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Introduction to the Performance and Characteristics of Stainless Steel Screws

Time:2019.05.20    Browse:379

1. Stainless steel screw is a family of iron alloys, each kind of chromium content is more than 12%. Chromium is a corrosion resistant component, so all stainless steels have strong corrosion resistance. Generally speaking, the higher the chromium content, the better the corrosion resistance.

2. The use of nickel element in stainless steel screw fasteners used to rely more on the use of nickel element in the process of using stainless steel as material, but the price of fasteners has also been greatly affected by the rising global price of nickel element. In order to alleviate the cost pressure and improve the competitiveness of fasteners, fasteners manufacturers have specially searched for replacement materials and produced low nickel stainless steel fasteners.

3. If stainless steel is used as the main material for fasteners in stainless steel screw, we should also understand the magnetism of stainless steel itself. Stainless steel is generally considered to be non-magnetic, but in fact, after a certain processing technology, austenite series materials may appear certain magnetic, but if this is considered to be magnetic stainless steel fastener quality criteria are also incorrect.

4. All stainless steels contain carbon as well as iron and chromium. But carbon content is low and carefully controlled. The reason is that carbon can combine with chromium to form carbides, which makes the effect of chromium composition on the formation of corrosion resistance very small. Therefore, in order to achieve the anticorrosion effect, when the carbon content increases, the chromium content should be increased accordingly.